Continental Landing

December 30, 2021


During the morning COVID testing, they announced that people who test positive will have to quarantine for 10 days in Ushiaua before they can take a flight to their home country.  Luckily today, there were no new positive cases.

Up until now, our land excursions have been on islands in the Antartic Peninsula. Today our intention was to set our feet on the actual continent of Antarctica.  Most everyone wanted to check that off their bucket list. Icy water and high winds proved a challenge. Zodiacs worked hard to cut through the icy sea.  We literally landed on a rock in Cierva Cove (Mikkelson Harbour), with no beach to ease our entry.  One by one, we stepped on to the slippery rock which was surrounded by snow covered mountains.  Thought of possible avalanche filled my mind,  but we made it back safely.

Continental landing. Photo Courtesy of Olga Shpitko

Today, the sea felt especially alive, strong and powerful.  It was swelling up and down, not in a wave like fashion, but rather like it was breathing in and out. What an intimidating force, the sea is. The experience of this trip was feeling like you were part of this majestic body of water and understanding that there is a whole ecosystem underneath the surface.

This video shows the sea breathing in and out, a living entity.